Old Class Photos

Rosslyn Heights, 5th Grade, Mrs. Parry (Laurel Parker Rohlfing)


Garfield, Mrs. Prince, (Scott Bennion) 

GARFIELD SCHOOL.  Named after James A. Garfield, our 20th President, assassinated 6 months into his office in 1881 by an insane man with a French name.

After his death a cartoon cat, a name of an American Standard brand of urinal, and ONE grade school in Salt Lake City Utah were the only ones that carried on his good name.  (I think)

Emil Nyman was the Principal.  One of the first really enjoyable names to softly chant to yourself, for a lifetime…


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Garfield, 2nd Grade, Mrs. Fellows

(Scott Bennion)

Garfield, Kindergarten, Mrs. Gardner (Scott Bennion)

Garfield, 3rd Grade, Mrs. Anderson

(Marsha Draper Fryer) 

Curtis, 3rd Grade, Mrs. Sorenson, and Mrs. Gilbert (Jeanne Bridwell Bennion & Karen Elliott)

Notice Karen , Jeanne, and Francie's Brownie Scout uni's!


Garfield, 1st Grade, Mrs. Oblad  (John Oldham)


Garfield, 2nd Grade, Mrs. Hansen  (John Oldham)



Garfield, 2nd & 3rd Grade, 

Mrs. Folster, (John Oldham)




Indian Hills, 6th Grade, Mrs. Holmes  (Marcia Feinauer Vogeler) 


Garfield, 1st Grade, Mrs. Baxter

(John (Watts) White)

Garfield, 3rd Grade, Mrs. Smith

(John (Watts) White)

Grandview, 6th Grade Graduation, Miss Thurman (Randy Hanks)

Grandview   April-1954

Kindergarten, Miss Taylor

(Lorin Astin)

Grandview    April-1956

2nd Grade

(Lorin Astin)

           (from Dave Wetzel)

Dan's Dodger's 1960 Champs

Top L to R

Coach Roberts, Mark Disorbio, Richard Higgins, Connor, ?, ?

Doug Howard,?, Ken Naylor, David Wetzel, Duffy Black

Kent Roberts, Lynn Trueblood, Roberts, Donnie Howard, Bliss Roberts, Ed Midgley

(from Dave Wetzel)

1960 Dan’s AllStars Baseball Team – Top to Bottom  L to R

Coach Blair, Greg Mann, Steve Lakin, Steve George, Coach ?

Bob Don, Russ Nielson, Richard rees, Doug Howard, Kelly,  Steve Ruff

Dave Wetzel, Ed Midgley, Scott Sharp, Mike Sandors, Wayne Cook, Ted Brinton


       (Marsha Draper Fryer)